Monday, October 5, 2009

Long Island Girl Goes Country...

Hey friends! I just finished reading everyone else's lovely posts and decided I would share my wonderful weekend.

Let me tell you about Stacy. Stacy is a friend of mine from New Castle, VA in good ol' Craig County and invited a group of friends out to her place for the weekend. If you've never heard of Craig County or New Castle, I'm not surprised. I believe their stats are as follows: one public library, one post office, a dollar store, a gas station, a Subway, about 15 churches, and probably an equal amount of cows as there are people.

Well, this is about as far away from Long Island as you could get but I loved every inch of it. Stacy's house sits on about 70 acres of land that runs right into the mountains, so really there's no end in sight to her backyard. On her land there's her house, a garage/apartment, and Mimi's house. Mimi is Stacy's grandma an probably the greatest woman alive. Stacy's younger sister, a first year, also brought home some friends and stayed at their house, so our group got to stay at Mimi's. We win.

We walk in the door friday night and there are brownies, vacuum cookies (not a crumb left...hahaha), milkshakes, popcorn, and hugs waiting for us all. It was magical. There was a perfect weather every day and bright full moon every night. We went for walks, sat around a bonfire, hiked up to the most amazing look-out I think I'll ever experience, napped out in the front field at sunset, ate locally raised food (bison in Virginia? Who knew?!), baked cookies, played lots of cards and bananagrams, and ate more of Mimi's food than I wish to admit.

It was heaven. My cell phone was off the entire time, I didn't even bring my computer, and there wasn't a care in the world to be had. I would post pictures of these amazing sights, but I forgot my camera this weekend and no one has posted pictures on facebook yet. But that's ok, pictures can't hardly do it justice.

I'm in Richmond now with my future roomie. She came with to the Craig and then we came back to her house in Midlo for dinner last night with her parents. We're "studying" at a local coffee shop now before we head back to c'ville in time for Cedars! Fun fun fun.

Keep posting! I love hearing about all your adventures.

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