Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Will's Splendid Staycation

Living eight hours away from home means that I cannot travel to see the Paradis clan as much as I might like. That 1000-mile roundtrip is a mean thing to ask my car to do twice in two weeks, and, furthermore, I'm finding considerable adventure right here inside Old Dominion.

Friday Night: After AHIP with a trip to the Downtown Mall with my little brother in MLP. We both had our first experience with Five Guys (life-changing) and I learned the hard way that when you ask for a large order of fries, what you're REALLY getting at Five Guys is a huge bag filled to the brim with fries with a large-size cup buried somewhere underneath the layers of fried potatoes. Dinner was followed by attending the "Ghost and Murder Mystery Tour", ideal for a ten-year-old because 1) it's semi-educational, 2) it's about a murder, 3) you move around a lot and 4) the guy giving the tour wears a tophat. After I dropped off my little back home the evening concluded with a pow-wow with the Order of the Silver Stein and a powerful session of sleep.

Saturday: Woke up early, but not as early as I was supposed to thanks to my lazy and unreliable alarm clock. I met with Sat and Denny and together we explored the splendor of the Charlottesville Farmers' Market. We scored some Jam (according to Daniel), some delicious bread, illegal goat cheese, and the best fudge I've ever had in my life. A crazy guy yelled at me for talking on the trolley ride back, and then after I cleaned myself up I met with Catherine to drive to the Chesapeake Bay area. For those of you who didn't know, Adam Robinson, an alumni of Theta, got married this weekend to a lovely and delightfully eccentric girl he met just last year as a Lawnie. The cermony was beautiful and featured wind chimes, bluegrass, barbeque, line-dancing, and yours truly playing a small set of folksy songs with the band. The evening concluded with a powerful drum circle on the docks behind the Robinsons' house, and a very broken bit of sleep in a sleeping bag on their trampoline. Among things that kept me up were some extremely heavy dew, an alarm clock going off in the woods at three in the morning, and the neighbors blaring country radio from 3am to 7am.

Sunday: I felt surprisingly rested the next morning and drove back early with Catherine to get ready for my next night of adventure. Throwing a few items together in my sorely underused hiking pack I met up with Annia and Matt Mason to go explore Natural Bridge, VA. We drove along the highway listening to Car Talk and made a stop at the sorely underappreciated Foamhenge, a life-sized styrofoam replica of Stonehenge, only this one has a fiber-glass statue of Merlin surfing on a floating rock. Following Foamhenge we drove a little further on and hiked into Jefferson National Forest. The hike was ridiculously strenuous. Very steep like the hike to Humpback but also very long like the hike to Blue Hole. After an epic uphill battle, however we reached our destination: the fabled Devil's Marbleyard, a place where it seemed the common laws of physics didn't exist and where giant granite boulders could just all appear on a mountainside and hold together without rolling down. We hiked further on, ate lunch, and set up camp off the path. After laying down our packs we hiked back down and scrambled across the Marbleyard soaking in the breathtaking view until sunset. Really, I can't describe this spot and do it serious justice, but it was easily the coolest location I've ever hiked to. There are apparently caves in the yard we didn't even know about, so you can bet I'll be heading back for another look. In the moonlight we hiked back up to camp, built a tiny but admirable fire, and clocked out around 10 or 11.

Monday: We woke up when we felt like it, chatted around our fireplace fom the night before, packed ourselves back up and meandered back down the mountain. thoroughly tired, hungry, and thirsty, we decided the next logical step was to find really good barbeque. After chatting it up with two guys whose job seemed to be just hanging out in the gas station, he told us where we could find the best barbeque between Natural Bridge and Staunton, at a place called Peck's. We drove out that way and were thrilled to find the ideal barbeque place: nothing fancy, just amazingly delicious, greasy food. I plowed through a mountain of ribs and prepared myself for the ensuing food coma. The rest of the drive back was pleasant and quiet, and when I got back home I showered, put some tea on boil, downed it, and had one of the most powerful naps of my life. Last night featured dinner and exquisite conversation with easily my best non-Thetan friend at UVA, and the fact I knew that I still had one more day to do nothing was all kinds of awesome.

There will be a separate, epically detailed account of tonight's Gallon Challenge to follow. Overall, best break I've had in a loooooooooooong time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Long Island Girl Goes Country...

Hey friends! I just finished reading everyone else's lovely posts and decided I would share my wonderful weekend.

Let me tell you about Stacy. Stacy is a friend of mine from New Castle, VA in good ol' Craig County and invited a group of friends out to her place for the weekend. If you've never heard of Craig County or New Castle, I'm not surprised. I believe their stats are as follows: one public library, one post office, a dollar store, a gas station, a Subway, about 15 churches, and probably an equal amount of cows as there are people.

Well, this is about as far away from Long Island as you could get but I loved every inch of it. Stacy's house sits on about 70 acres of land that runs right into the mountains, so really there's no end in sight to her backyard. On her land there's her house, a garage/apartment, and Mimi's house. Mimi is Stacy's grandma an probably the greatest woman alive. Stacy's younger sister, a first year, also brought home some friends and stayed at their house, so our group got to stay at Mimi's. We win.

We walk in the door friday night and there are brownies, vacuum cookies (not a crumb left...hahaha), milkshakes, popcorn, and hugs waiting for us all. It was magical. There was a perfect weather every day and bright full moon every night. We went for walks, sat around a bonfire, hiked up to the most amazing look-out I think I'll ever experience, napped out in the front field at sunset, ate locally raised food (bison in Virginia? Who knew?!), baked cookies, played lots of cards and bananagrams, and ate more of Mimi's food than I wish to admit.

It was heaven. My cell phone was off the entire time, I didn't even bring my computer, and there wasn't a care in the world to be had. I would post pictures of these amazing sights, but I forgot my camera this weekend and no one has posted pictures on facebook yet. But that's ok, pictures can't hardly do it justice.

I'm in Richmond now with my future roomie. She came with to the Craig and then we came back to her house in Midlo for dinner last night with her parents. We're "studying" at a local coffee shop now before we head back to c'ville in time for Cedars! Fun fun fun.

Keep posting! I love hearing about all your adventures.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

the exciting life of a grad/undergrad/bro/superbro/student/teacher

Well, not really THAT exciting. I'll spare you guys the continued grumbles about how I don't actually have a fall break, and instead tell you what I love about being in Cville while everyone else is on break.

I can park ANYWHERE! Seriously, I might go do doughnuts in the 1819 parking lot just because I can.

On Friday I went to the Charlottesville High School "chill and grill," a little incentive to get faculty to go out to the CHS football games. Little do they know, I actually just showed up, ate free Qdoba, and left. Muahaha. Afterwards I went to see the Foreigner at Culbreth. First time I've ever seen a play there, and first time I've ever used my arts dollars! Check and check. Hilary and Mac were in my row! :) After that I had some grapey pepsi and watched episodes of Firefly, which makes me yearn for BSG and its slightly better dialogue.

The weather was GORGEOUS yesterday, but I spent most of the day inside doing nothing. I did make some awesome omelets at 4pm, and then went to Carter's mountain for some wandering and apple-sneaking before they closed at 6. My friend and I discovered a fun game when we found a big post and some fallen apples--one person chucked apples at the other person, who smashed them with the post. We are 11 years old.

I forgot to have dinner since I had omelets so late, and around 11 I went to Loofahaus to see CHam, Annia, Mark & friends. More grapey pepsi! Then the ladies walked (no buses during fall break--grr!) to the corner, where Annia fed me Little John's and Caitlin went back home. Annia and I ran into some drunk bros in suits who told us about all the things they could get away with since they were wearing suits. "I drank a beer in the street!" Unfortunately, the suits did not work on me and Miss President. We continued on to Coupe's (lol) and Boylan (womp) and finally back to Annia's place. Wink wink. Since buses were nonexistent and it was chilly and I had heels on, Annia played gracious host and hooked me up with a couch, a fuzzy blanket, and a cup of water. And a ride home in the morning! <3

Today I've been cleaning, reading Harry Potter book 7 (they just visited Godric's Hollow--watch out Harry!), making more omelets, and doing laundry. Glamorous. Tonight I'm seeing Miss Nguyen and maybe even doing some lesson planning? I hope?

Tomorrow I'm skipping school and driving to Goochland to go to traffic court. Womp. Good news is I haven't sped since my ticket in May! Thanks, cop in an unmarked black sports car!

Tuesday it's back to school. Should be an easy day though, 2nd and 5th period have chapter tests that should take the whole 47 minutes, and 4th period has a quiz. Muahaha! Wednesday though we're starting new chapters and new sections, so that'll be tougher.

Tuesday night I don't have class so I'm seeing my LITTLE! And EATING stuff with him! eeeeee!

I think that's long enough and more detail than anyone probably needed to know. I feel like I've been living at CHS lately--I miss everyone! Maggie Moo's road trip next week? Look out for a SOC email.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

This Might Fail

I can write a lot. And talk a lot about nothing. But I'm going to try and keep this short and simple. I'm sitting on my bed (at home. home = arlington, va) watching UVA v UNC. Fun. We're winning!!! 3-0...
Whatever. VERICA was in. i got excited. Verica sucks. But I still love him. It's so exciting, the UVA band is SO loud. SO much louder than UNC. It's great.

Ok i'm already failing at keeping this short. Anyway, so i entered Northern VA yesteday and got dropped off at my favorite place ever... TYSONS! love it. (woo we might score) TD!!! oh. flag on the play. typical. dummmmmmb hoos. Groh is so sexy.......

Anyway, i'm only in town until Sunday morning. So it's short lived. but i love arlington. and it's nice to be home. The next time i'm back i'll be 21, and i can finally appreciate all the amazing bars in clarendon. I'm excited.

There are weird lights on my street now. I feel like sherlock holmes when i look at the street. yeah so today after the game (which would probably have been a waste of time at that point) i'm going shopping at tysons with my bffle. then i'll come home and waste life and catch up on tv (greys... desperate housewives...the office?). Tomorrow morning i'll return to cville and do nothing with no one because everyone is gone.

i hope you didn't read this because i talk a lot about nothing.


PS Another Field Goal! Maybe we'll have our first win? One can only hope.

London Fashion Week: Jeremy Scott SS2010 Finale from LesMads on Vimeo.

I just found this on one of my favorite music blogs and thought it was hilarious / awesome. Props to Flintstones inspired fashion.



Friday, October 2, 2009

Sarah H

So, because I haven't been home since my birthday back in July, I decided it was kind of necessary to return to good old Southwest Virginia. There was a possiblity of visiting Jimmy in Danville but I decided I really needed to come home and see my family.

Since being in the Star City, I've been pretty bored. It's been nice to see my grandparents and great uncle(who's leaving tomorrow). I didn't realize how much I actually missed my Nana. Tomorrow she and I are going to get pedicures so that should be nice.

I also have been playing all kinds of silly games with my adorable 3 year old sister that I'm sure will continue throughout the break. Annabelle's favorite games include "chase", "find my guys(her stuffed cats)", coloring, and "this blanket is a castle". I find it amazing how excited she gets when I come home considering I have been in college for the majority of her life. Tomorrow, my brother and I are going to take AnnaB to the Roanoke Zoo and the Roanoke Star(aka the largest man made star in the world) for a picnic because it's actually supposed to be warm and sunny! Maybe you'll be able to catch us on the star cam! I know, Roanoke is so legit.

Sunday, I'll be spending time with my Dad. I didn't get to see him when I came home for my birthday because he was away on business so this'll be the first time I've seen him since he helped me move in June.

Other than that, I've been doing data input for the psych lab I work in, trying to catch up on reading, seeing a couple of high school friends who are actually in town, and watching my dad's Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm dvds in our newly remodeled den. I think my Dad has empty nest syndrome and has been fixing the house up as a way of coping hence the den and all the new paint jobs(even though we had the house painted back in my senior year...).

Now I realize I'm rambling but eh...whatever. I'm bored. So yeah....pretty uneventful weekend. I'll be back in Cville on Monday afternoon so if you're in town, let's hang out(pledges, that means you...and bros too obviously).

Amanda's Return to Yankeeland

I'm going home!!! Woot!

In greater detail, I'm leaving this afternoon to go back to my home in Yankeeland, aka Connecticut (see illustration below).

Contrary to popular belief, Connecticut is not at this time covered in snow, so it should be pretty enjoyable. I'm hoping to be home long enough to catch part of the 153rd Annual Harwinton Fair for some axe throwing and possibly a tractor pull or two, but might not be able to because I actually have to travel even further north-- to Massachusetts!

When I was in Scotland, the people I ended up being closest to were actually mostly other American study abroad students, so I'm using fall break for a reunion with these two lovely ladies.

I can only hope that the north isn't too much for Kelsey, the one on the right. She's from Texas and goes to school here at UVa, so heading to where I'm from might be a shock for her!

I really only have the weekend mapped out through Sunday, but I'm hoping to be able to meet up with some of my other friends over the weekend, since they mostly stayed in the tri-state (Mass, CT and NY) area for college. Hopefully I will also see my big brother-- he's a lot harder to reach since he became a real person and bought a house an hour away from home. So we shall see where I end up. At the very least, I know I'll be back here eventually!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Catherine's fall break!

Friday - AHIP. then probably watching Lost - I'm on the third season.

Saturday - Adam's wedding! He says that he's pretty sure that he's accidentally left people off of the guest list and that I should bring anyone who I think would want to be there, so you're welcome to join us! (so far, the APO-ers include Will and Carrie-Lynn, plus the old and busted superbros in town, Lindsay, Marybeth, and Jesse M). Should good times. I'm bringing my drum for the drum circle.

Sunday - no idea

Monday - going to DC with GDO (Global Development Organization) to visit three organizations that do work in development.

Tuesday - probably watching more Lost. Doing some reading for classes and applying for things so that I can have a future. Whatevs.

So, let me know if you want to hang out :-D
I'm going to be doing some epic TV watching, STunneling, and eating.

Call me if you want to join in.